Gas utilities and storage


In September 2023, Enbridge Inc. announced a plan to purchase three U.S. based natural gas utilities, which collectively provide natural gas service to approximately 3 million customers in five American states.

On Oct. 1, 2024, Dominion Energy North Carolina—which will now do business as Enbridge Gas North Carolina—joined Enbridge’s natural gas distribution and storage business, which includes utilities in Ontario, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and Quebec.

Enbridge’s gas utility business, Enbridge Gas Inc., was formed on Jan. 1, 2019, with the amalgamation of Enbridge Gas Distribution and Union Gas.

Expanding the Enbridge utility franchise to include North Carolina is an opportunity to leverage each company’s strengths to continue to deliver what’s important for our combined 7 million customers—the safe and reliable delivery of affordable energy and a focus on innovation to contribute to a sustainable future.

Delivering energy for more than 175 years

Enbridge Gas has been delivering energy for more than 175 years. With the addition of Enbridge Gas North Carolina, its collective franchise network now consists of 110,606 miles (178,002 kilometers) of gas transmission, transportation and distribution mainlines, and 64,453 miles (103,726 km) of service lines.

Enbridge’s natural gas distribution operations also feature 351.6 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of net working storage, largely at the Dawn Hub in southwestern Ontario.

View our interactive map to learn more detailed information about Enbridge’s natural gas distribution assets.